Broad-billed Hummingbird at Malheur HQ 9/14/19.
Photo by Alan Woods.
The original purpose of our trip was this Phainopepla,
that had been seen for about a week at Page Spring CG.
I saw it on Friday the 13th, and it was Oregon lifer #413.
The next day, another birder alerted us to the
Broad-billed Hummmingbird at HQ, another lifer.
An Orange-crowned Warbler with a gray head, at Page Springs CG.
We drove to the top of Steens Mountain.
Driving back down Steens Mountain, we saw this herd of sheep and sheepdog crossing the road.

That night we camped at Page Springs - this was our first time camping there, although we've birded there many times.
On our way to Malheur, we stopped to canoe at Hosmer Lake.
Sunset over Hosmer Lake, here is the view of Mt. Bachelor.