A large mixed flock of Snow Geese and Ross’s Geese that are typically here in April, near Burns.
Highlights that we found at headquarters today were a bright Nashville Warbler and Bushtits. We also saw a Harris’s Sparrow that has been seen at the feeders for the past two weeks.
Nashville Warbler
Harris's Sparrow
Looking North from Benson Pond
Benson Pond has Trumpeter Swans (one with a green neck band) and several Tundra Swans. Sora and Virginia Rail are calling at Buena Vista ponds, and an American Bittern was hiding in plain sight just south of Benson Pond along the CPR.
American Bittern
Krumbo Pond has water, and a good diversity of ducks. At Krumbo Reservoir were Horned Grebes and Eared Grebes in their bright breeding plumage, and a Common Loon.
There is a good amount of water in the fields near Burns, along Greenhouse and Hotchkiss Lanes, but almost no water at the Narrows. Ruh Red Road has no water except one small area towards the east end, that yielded an interesting Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal hybrid.
Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal hybrid, with Cinnamon Teal
For comparison, here is a Blue-winged Teal (right) I found along Diamond Lane the next day.
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